Can you please tell
us who is the person behind the pen?
That depends on who you ask. Angie Daniels is a free spirit who
isn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind or even better, write about it. My alter
ego Sasha Campbell strutted onto the literary scene in five-inch heels with a
wild imagination and style for keeping it real. Together we know what readers
want and strive to deliver.
What is your greatest
a published author
What do you wish more
people knew about the publishing side of things?
a whole lot harder than it appears. Author don’t just write a book one day and
publish it the next (well they could, but I wouldn’t advise it). Publishing
(the right way) is a process that takes stages and quite a bit of time to
achieve the books readers love so much.
What is your greatest
I’m always striving for perfection so succeeding is always the biggest
challenge for me.
What author(s) has
influenced your writing style?
my, there are so many but some of my biggest favorites are Mary B. Morrison,
Carl Weber, K’wan, James Patterson, and the list goes on.
What type of legacy
would you like to leave for your readers?
try to write stories that not only entertain but also educate. If I can leave a
stamp on the literary scene as an author who changed lives and made a
difference then my work will not be forgotten.
How important was a
"platform" in selling your books?

Do you have any book
signings coming up where readers can meet you?
can come out and meet me at Romance Slam Jam 2014, New Orleans, 7-11 May. For
more information log onto
Can you tell us about
your upcoming project(s)?
am planning an exciting year starting with Talk a Good Game, a Sasha
Campbell/Angie Daniels collaboration; the next volumes of The Decadent Delight
and The Sexy Simmons Series that readers have been asking for; and possibly one
more special surprise.
What advice do you have to an aspiring author?
For me the work isn’t done on the first draft but on the second or third.
I write a book from beginning to end, take a week off and then the rewriting
begins. Agents, publishers and readers want a complete and polished product.
Rewrite until your book cannot be improved any further. Look at writing as a
representation of who you are and strive for perfection!
More about the author:
Angie Daniels has released over two dozen novels. She has won numerous awards including a Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for When it Rains, and an Emma Award for Favorite Erotic Romance, for A Delight Before Christmas. She began her road to publication in 2001 when she was offered a four-book deal with Genesis Press. In 2002 she signed with BET/Arabesque which was purchased by Harlequin/Kimani Romance in 2005. Angie joined Kensington Publishing in 2003. Angie Daniels is also honored to be the keynote speaker for the 2014 Romance Slam Jam. She has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Columbia College.
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