I Didn't Know by Yvette L Allen Tatum
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I read this book in one day and even highlighted specific parts that I wanted to go back to after it has marinated on my mind for a few days. This book pulled on my heartstrings and emitted a turmoil of emotions from the time I opened the book and the author spoke about her own personal sexual assault beginning at the tender age of 7. As a mom of five children, the youngest being 8 years old, tears fell. I cried for the author who is now a grown woman and I cried for the children that lost their innocence from a sick adult who thought it was okay to violate, yes violate, someone who didn't know!
The book breaks down the definitions from what we think they mean to the legal meaning for them. It is important that we know we can't protect our children 24 hours a day as they go to sporting events, afterschool activities, friend's homes, etc but we can do our damn best to make sure they know when someone is touching them in an area that is "covered" and that it is okay to tell a trusted adult. We also must realized not all the time, it is a stranger who sexually assaults someone....most often than not, it is a family member, close friend or clergy member.
We, as a society, have to stop making this topic taboo in our homes, places of worships and schools. Our children can not be afraid.
I applaud Yvette Allen-Tatum for bringing this subject to the forefront. This subject must be direct as to do away with any myths. I highly suggest parents get this book and start an age-appropriate discussion with their children... boys and girls as no one is exempt from a sexual predator. Parents, do your research, recognize the signs, search for predators in your area by going to your state police website, be informed. Never should YOU say " I DIDN'T KNOW."
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Lisa - Thank You for your honest review of I Didn't Know!! I truly appreciate you assisting me in getting this information out to the world. I don't want anyone to ever have to say, "I Didn't Know."
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I liked the review thank you for sharing a great book with us.