Who is Valerie J. Lewis Coleman?
After a twenty-six-year engineering career with Delphi Automotive Systems (formerly General Motors), the plant closed and my position relocated to Mexico. Since I was not ready to test my proficiency in the Spanish I learned in high school, I embarked upon adjunct teaching at three colleges and full-time entrepreneurism. I created Pen of the Writer to publish my books and equip writers to do the same. I transitioned engineering problem-solving skills and MBA expertise to the book business to launch careers for thousands of authors including scores of high-school students and inmates.
Because of the relationship advice in my books and the corresponding workshops/presentations, I have helped many people improve relationships. The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box delves into dating by compiling relationship advice from hundreds of men into an entertaining novel. Blended Families An Anthology provides biblical principles and practical tools to help stepfamilies thrive.
Like many women, I wear multiple hats: wife, mother, grandmother, entrepreneur, educator, Christian…. Although each role is distinctly different, they share a common theme: empowering people to make better life choices. Whether managing relationship issues, mastering self-publishing or comprehending mathematics, using my strengths to inspire others brings me great satisfaction.
How long have you been writing?
My first attempt at writing a book was in the sixth grade. The teacher read two of S. E. Hinton’s books and Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea which inspired me. I had written about ten pages when I realized that I had jumped between first-person and third-person narratives. Unable or unwilling to fix the problem, I put the project aside.
I dibbled and dabbled with poetry and wrote a calculus booklet to help a high school senior, but my first official published work was an undergraduate thesis.
What inspired you to write The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box?
Like most women, when I had man problems, I talked with my girlfriends, sister and mother. Although the concern was genuine, the relationship advice was riddled with emotions, bad experiences and a twisted perspective on men. After consistently choosing Mr. Wrong and dealing with the consequences, I finally attracted a great guy to whom I have been married for almost twenty years. But here’s the catch: I did not know what I did differently to win his heart.
I wanted to understand what actions led me down the aisle of matrimony while many of my girlfriends were still distressed about living single. So as I dug inwardly, I also researched and studied men for years. I got the scoop on man-cave, barber-shop, locker-room conversations normally off limits to women and developed the top three things every woman must know about men. The result was the entertaining, yet relationship savvy, The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box.
What steps did you take to publish your first (or latest) book?
I spent years researching men and compiling information for The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box. When I finally put pen to paper, it only took four months to write. As I tested titles and cover images, I put the novel through a series of edits:
** I solicited a POWER Team to read select chapters and provide feedback.
** I contracted with Wendy Hart Beckman, a professional copy editor, and then
** I hired Lynel Johnson Washington to proofread.
What's your favorite part in the book?
That’s a tough question. Writing The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box was an enjoyable experience. At times, the characters came alive and I simply transcribed their interaction. But since I have to choose a favorite part, then the chapter entitled The Making of Mr. Right is it. Rachel and Debra have an in-depth, lively conversation about the qualities that Debra expects in a man. Delving deeper than his looks or how much money he has, the chapter was designed to help women assess the must-haves and preferences of Mr. Right-for-You while taking a personal inventory to ensure comparable qualities exist within. As Lyfe Jennings says in Statistics 101, "Be the person you want to find. Don’t be nickel out here looking for a dime."
Outside of writing this book, I understand you’re involved in other projects. Would you mind sharing those with us?
The Goody Box Book brand is expanding. The audio book releases later this year with an awesome theme song created by an award-winning producer. The first chapter and the theme song are posted at www.TheGoodyBoxBook.com/audio-book.
Although The Goody Box Book is a clean read (the youngest reader that I am aware of was twelve years old), the demand for a prequel has been overwhelming. Parents and grandparents are requesting a teen edition to help young ladies avoid the heartaches of failed love. However, before I write the youth fiction, I have to complete the sequel. I have been threatened, warned and reprimanded for not having it finished. The readers want to know what happened with Sherry and Dwight, Debra and Jarrus and the love triangle between Rachel, Brian and Conrad.
I have been contracted to conduct workshops, seminars and keynotes at schools, churches and organizations to empower women and girls. Why He Left You for Her and I Love Myself Too Much to Give You My Goody are catalysts for a nationwide movement.
A t-shirt line is on the horizon to further brand The Goody Box Project. I collaborated with fellow author and advocate for "girl power," Karen M.R. Townsend, Ph.D., to create the Uterus Adventures (UAs) (www.TheUterusAdventures.com). UAs are ladies-only experiences and excursions designed for women who are willing to step outside their comfort zone to embrace the courage they never knew they had! These adventures are single-day events and weekend excursions that include empowerment workshops, a challenging adventure and time dedicated to debrief the experience.
On the literary side, I coach aspiring authors (www.PenOfTheWriter.com), host conferences like www.DaytonBookExpo.com and publish books through www.QueenVPublishing.com and www.PassionatePens.com. I have written Self-Publishing Made Easy Journals to equip writers with guides to navigate the mysterious labyrinth of publishing.
Do you plan on attending any events soon? If so, please tell us where you will be.
Other blog stops and interviews as noted at www.TheGoodyBoxBook.com/Events
Sep 21, 2013 I’m presenting Self-Publishing Made Easy at the twentieth annual Sister to Sister Conference (www.AboutMySisters.com)
Sep 21-22, 2013 I’m hosting and signing at the Dayton Book Expo Author Pavilion at the Dayton Women’s Fair (www.DaytonBookExpo.com/Special-Events)
Sep 28, 2013 I’m presenting Self-Publishing Made Easy at the fifth annual Anointed Pens Conference (http://www.AnointedPenConference.webs.com)
Oct 4-5, 2013 I’m hosting the Tenth Annual Pen to Paper Literary Symposium (www.PenOfTheWriter.com/Pen-to-Paper.html)
Oct 26 I’m co-facilitating another Uterus Adventure (www.TheUterusAdventures.com)
Dec 16-20, 2013 I’m conducting a publishing conference for the African Film and Writers Society – Uganda (http://www.AFWSUganda.org.ug)
How can the listeners contact you if they would like to receive a personal copy? Do you have a website? Autographed copies of The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box can be ordered at www.TheGoodyBoxBook.com/the-store and www.PenOfTheWriter.com.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out as an author?
Understand the business. Whether traditional, independent or self-published, this business is not for the faint of heart. With writing consuming 10% of your resources and publishing about 30%, the bulk of your time, money and effort (60%) will be allocated to marketing and promoting your book. Recognize that many service providers have no vested interest in the success of your book. They don’t care if your cover is a template used on thousands of other books or that your manuscript lacks professional editing. Why? Because they generate revenue from you, not your readers. These book producers often position themselves as publishers when in fact they are predatory print-on-demand printers that charge exorbitant fees. As a result, it is nearly impossible to be profitable.
Is there anything else you would like to say in closing?
I packed years of researching men, studying relationships and polling women into this book. Although it’s a novel, The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box has relevant, practical, proven relationship advice. Many of my readers have told me that the book was life changing. One reader indicated that by following my relationship advice, she met and married the man of her dreams. For their first anniversary, he gave her a BMW!
My favorite quotes:
"A wise man learns from his mistakes; a wiser man learns from the mistakes of others."
—African Proverb
"Give a man fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime."
—Lao Tzu
"What we do today echoes through eternity."
—Marcus Aurelius


After a twenty-six-year engineering career with Delphi Automotive Systems (formerly General Motors), the plant closed and my position relocated to Mexico. Since I was not ready to test my proficiency in the Spanish I learned in high school, I embarked upon adjunct teaching at three colleges and full-time entrepreneurism. I created Pen of the Writer to publish my books and equip writers to do the same. I transitioned engineering problem-solving skills and MBA expertise to the book business to launch careers for thousands of authors including scores of high-school students and inmates.
How long have you been writing?
My first attempt at writing a book was in the sixth grade. The teacher read two of S. E. Hinton’s books and Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea which inspired me. I had written about ten pages when I realized that I had jumped between first-person and third-person narratives. Unable or unwilling to fix the problem, I put the project aside.
I dibbled and dabbled with poetry and wrote a calculus booklet to help a high school senior, but my first official published work was an undergraduate thesis.
Like most women, when I had man problems, I talked with my girlfriends, sister and mother. Although the concern was genuine, the relationship advice was riddled with emotions, bad experiences and a twisted perspective on men. After consistently choosing Mr. Wrong and dealing with the consequences, I finally attracted a great guy to whom I have been married for almost twenty years. But here’s the catch: I did not know what I did differently to win his heart.
I wanted to understand what actions led me down the aisle of matrimony while many of my girlfriends were still distressed about living single. So as I dug inwardly, I also researched and studied men for years. I got the scoop on man-cave, barber-shop, locker-room conversations normally off limits to women and developed the top three things every woman must know about men. The result was the entertaining, yet relationship savvy, The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box.
What steps did you take to publish your first (or latest) book?
I spent years researching men and compiling information for The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box. When I finally put pen to paper, it only took four months to write. As I tested titles and cover images, I put the novel through a series of edits:
** I contracted with Wendy Hart Beckman, a professional copy editor, and then
** I hired Lynel Johnson Washington to proofread.
After each phase of editing, I reviewed the recommended changes, read the entire manuscript and then accepted or rejected the changes.
Having published more than thirty books through Pen of the Writer and Queen V Publishing, I took advantage of my vast supplier relationships to independently publish The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box.
What's your favorite part in the book?
That’s a tough question. Writing The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box was an enjoyable experience. At times, the characters came alive and I simply transcribed their interaction. But since I have to choose a favorite part, then the chapter entitled The Making of Mr. Right is it. Rachel and Debra have an in-depth, lively conversation about the qualities that Debra expects in a man. Delving deeper than his looks or how much money he has, the chapter was designed to help women assess the must-haves and preferences of Mr. Right-for-You while taking a personal inventory to ensure comparable qualities exist within. As Lyfe Jennings says in Statistics 101, "Be the person you want to find. Don’t be nickel out here looking for a dime."
Outside of writing this book, I understand you’re involved in other projects. Would you mind sharing those with us?
The Goody Box Book brand is expanding. The audio book releases later this year with an awesome theme song created by an award-winning producer. The first chapter and the theme song are posted at www.TheGoodyBoxBook.com/audio-book.
Although The Goody Box Book is a clean read (the youngest reader that I am aware of was twelve years old), the demand for a prequel has been overwhelming. Parents and grandparents are requesting a teen edition to help young ladies avoid the heartaches of failed love. However, before I write the youth fiction, I have to complete the sequel. I have been threatened, warned and reprimanded for not having it finished. The readers want to know what happened with Sherry and Dwight, Debra and Jarrus and the love triangle between Rachel, Brian and Conrad.
I have been contracted to conduct workshops, seminars and keynotes at schools, churches and organizations to empower women and girls. Why He Left You for Her and I Love Myself Too Much to Give You My Goody are catalysts for a nationwide movement.
A t-shirt line is on the horizon to further brand The Goody Box Project.
On the literary side, I coach aspiring authors (www.PenOfTheWriter.com), host conferences like www.DaytonBookExpo.com and publish books through www.QueenVPublishing.com and www.PassionatePens.com. I have written Self-Publishing Made Easy Journals to equip writers with guides to navigate the mysterious labyrinth of publishing.
Do you plan on attending any events soon? If so, please tell us where you will be.
Sep 21, 2013 I’m presenting Self-Publishing Made Easy at the twentieth annual Sister to Sister Conference (www.AboutMySisters.com)
Sep 21-22, 2013 I’m hosting and signing at the Dayton Book Expo Author Pavilion at the Dayton Women’s Fair (www.DaytonBookExpo.com/Special-Events)
Sep 28, 2013 I’m presenting Self-Publishing Made Easy at the fifth annual Anointed Pens Conference (http://www.AnointedPenConference.webs.com)
Oct 4-5, 2013 I’m hosting the Tenth Annual Pen to Paper Literary Symposium (www.PenOfTheWriter.com/Pen-to-Paper.html)
Oct 26 I’m co-facilitating another Uterus Adventure (www.TheUterusAdventures.com)
Dec 16-20, 2013 I’m conducting a publishing conference for the African Film and Writers Society – Uganda (http://www.AFWSUganda.org.ug)
What advice do you have for someone just starting out as an author?
Understand the business. Whether traditional, independent or self-published, this business is not for the faint of heart. With writing consuming 10% of your resources and publishing about 30%, the bulk of your time, money and effort (60%) will be allocated to marketing and promoting your book. Recognize that many service providers have no vested interest in the success of your book. They don’t care if your cover is a template used on thousands of other books or that your manuscript lacks professional editing. Why? Because they generate revenue from you, not your readers. These book producers often position themselves as publishers when in fact they are predatory print-on-demand printers that charge exorbitant fees. As a result, it is nearly impossible to be profitable.
Is there anything else you would like to say in closing?
I packed years of researching men, studying relationships and polling women into this book. Although it’s a novel, The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box has relevant, practical, proven relationship advice. Many of my readers have told me that the book was life changing. One reader indicated that by following my relationship advice, she met and married the man of her dreams. For their first anniversary, he gave her a BMW!
My favorite quotes:
"A wise man learns from his mistakes; a wiser man learns from the mistakes of others."
—African Proverb
"Give a man fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime."
—Lao Tzu
"What we do today echoes through eternity."
—Marcus Aurelius

Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box Virtual Book Tour with
J. Lewis Coleman
2-13, 2013
Mainstream Fiction
Paperback: 256
Publisher: Pen
Of The Writer, LLC (May 1, 2010)
ISBN-13: 978-0978606633
The Book
What your father didn't tell you and your mother
didn't know. Successful. Beautiful. Intelligent. Yet a satisfying relationship
eludes Debra Hampton. At thirty-five years old, she can't figure out why her
philosophy on men-and what they want from women-isn't working. She's trapped in
a cycle of shattered relationships, until a friend refers her to a relationship
guru. After some resistance, Debra finds refuge in his counsel as he helps her
navigate through the storms of rejection and failed love. Once he reveals the
error of her ways, will Debra master the forbidden secrets to attract her soul
mate or continue to keep love at bay?
the Love of Vincent
service stirred Debra Hampton’s heart. The poignant message convinced her to
resolve a matter that had her torn for almost a year. She had been undecided
about whether to marry her live-in boyfriend, Vincent. He didn’t share her
religious beliefs and refused to go with her to church, but she knew that he
was the best man for her.
laughed at her silly antics, talked with her about her ambitions and encouraged
her to greatness. He made her the focal point of his life and involved her in
every decision no matter how minute. But it was his touch that held her
hostage, kept her toying with God’s love by giving herself to a man who was not
her husband.
her head bowed to hide the free-flowing tears, she exited the church without
speaking to anyone. She sat in her Mercedes S550, took a moment to freshen her
makeup, expelled a sigh of relief. She looked to Heaven through the panorama
sunroof, smiled, closed her eyes, gave thanks. The decision to accept Vincent’s
proposal resonated; filled her with peace as she trusted the Lord with her soul
thirty-minute drive from the inner-city church to her suburban home gave her
ample time to reflect upon the life they would build together: three children,
business partnership and unlimited mind-blowing sex. The rush of blood to her
southern bell—the name her mother called her vagina when she was a child—gave
her pause. Fortunately, she was stopped at a red light. She clicked through the
Sirius Satellite stations and then opted to enjoy tunes Vincent had downloaded
to her iPod a few nights prior.
she turned into Creekwood Estates—a lavish community north of Dayton—she
admired the mansion-sized homes set hundreds of feet from the street. Manicured
lawns featured rows of exotic trees, shrubbery and blooming flowers.
Cobblestone driveways boasted luxury cars and backyards
had customized gym sets or in-ground pools.
stucco and brick palatial home was small in comparison to those of her
neighbors, but it was big enough for her family-to-be. She loved the
side-entry, three-car garage because it camouflaged the unpacked moving boxes from
passersby. She parked in the usual spot—closest to the mudroom door—and then
she smiled wide. “He’s home.”
grabbed her purse and Bible and then
jaunted into the house. She placed her belongings on the granite countertop,
careful not to make noise. Since the television wasn’t locked on a sporting
event, Vincent had to be resting in the master suite. A 3,500-square-foot home
and he preferred the family room and bedroom.
slipped off her stilettos, tiptoed up the stairs. Her heart beat faster with
each step. She wiped her palms together to dry the sweaty moisture, pressed her
ear to the door. His subtle snores seeped through. She giggled and then covered
her mouth to halt the escape of more laughter.
opened the door, peeked in, swung it wide. “Vincent! What the devil?”
what are you doing here?” After a quick dismount, he rummaged the floor for his
Fruit of the Looms. “When’d you get home?”
is this woman and why is she in my bed?” She ran to the side of the bed,
towered over her betrayer. Breath stalled in her throat, eyes widened.
first person to welcome Debra to the neighborhood—reached for her clothes,
scurried to dress.
lunged at her, snatched her by the ponytail, drew back her fist. Just as she
connected with Catherine’s right jaw, Vincent grabbed Debra around the waist,
pulled her away. She flailed her arms, kicked at his shins, head-butted him in
the mouth. When he released her, she pursued Catherine who was halfway down the
stairs, underwear in tow.
Valerie’s mailing list to be eligible to receive one free e-book. One winner
will receive a special code to download a copy from SmashWords http://www.thegoodyboxbook.com
Lisa, Thank you for hosting me on your blog!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure. Thanks for stopping by.
DeleteWhat a great feature for Valerie. Thanks Lisa
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome.